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Acne Skincare

Our products are made with ingredients derived from plants without the use of synthetic chemicals and they offer a gentler and often more effective approach to treating acne.


By being consistent with a gentle skincare routine you can effectively manage acne and achieve healthier, clearer skin. Here is a basic skincare routine to soothe the skin.


Step 1 - Cleanse with Chamomile and Calendula Cleansing Oil. 1-2 pumps of cleanser to be worked through the fingers and massaged onto damp skin, remove with Killarney Organic warm face cloth.


Step 2 - Tone with Neroli Floral Water. After cleansing, mist your face with neroli floral water or if you prefer apply to some damp cotton pads and pat over the face.


Step 3 - Moisturise with Chickweed Infused Oil. Chickweed is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce redness and inflammation. Apply a few drops of chickweed infused oil to your face and massage gently until absorbed.


As a weekly treatment add in a Chickweed Facial Scrub. This gentle exfoliator will help to unclog pores and soothe the skin. Our Chickweed & Green Clay purifying mask can be used weekly on break out areas to dry up excess oils on the skin.


Acne Skincare Products

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